Staff Selection Commission
ACSA is the premier institute for competitive exam preparation. The institute is offering various courses for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Bank PO, Bank Clerk, RRB NTPC, Group D, and many other exams. If you are in search of any SSC CGL Coaching in Jaipur, ACSA is undoubtedly the best option. Here at ACSA, you can get the best courses designed by India’s Top Ranked Income Tax Inspector. If you have dreamed of qualifying for any of the above-mentioned exams and if you are really determined about that, we are here for you.
Master Trainer
Course Fee
₹ 18000
Available Seats
Upcoming Batch
11 May 2023
Old Papers
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The programme emphasizes on inculcating all the necessary qualities that are needed as a Civil Servant. Our panel members help to find out the weaknesses and psychological setbacks of the aspirants. Various dedicated sessions are conducted to ensure the best possible preparation in all aspects of the examination. At the end of the sessions, 1-2 Mock Interviews are conducted. We also offer the facility of accessing video coverage of the Mock Interviews so that aspirants can assess and understand their weakness and work on it before the actual interview.

SSC Test Series
The Test Series board comprises highly competent and unbiased members, reputed subject matter and psychological experts headed by a Chairman, to assess the personnel suitability of the candidate for a career in public services. The Test Series intends to judge the mental caliber of a candidate encompassing not only the intellectual capabilities but also the social traits and interest in current affairs. Some of the majorly judged qualities are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgement, variety and depth of interests, ability for social cohesion, leadership and intellectual and moral integrity.

IAS Pre Test Series
Eos voluptatibus quo. Odio similique illum id quidem non enim fuga. Qui natus non sunt dicta dolor et. In asperiores velit quaerat perferendis aut
Iure officiis odit rerum. Harum sequi eum illum corrupti culpa veritatis quisquam. Neque necessitatibus illo rerum eum ut. Commodi ipsam minima molestiae sed laboriosam a iste odio. Earum odit nesciunt fugiat sit ullam. Soluta et harum voluptatem optio quae

IAS Mains Test Series
Totam aperiam accusamus. Repellat consequuntur iure voluptas iure porro quis delectus
Eaque consequuntur consequuntur libero expedita in voluptas. Nostrum ipsam necessitatibus aliquam fugiat debitis quis velit. Eum ex maxime error in consequatur corporis atque. Eligendi asperiores sed qui veritatis aperiam quia a laborum inventore

Est eveniet ipsam sindera pad rone matrelat sando reda
Omnis blanditiis saepe eos autem qui sunt debitis porro quia.
Exercitationem nostrum omnis. Ut reiciendis repudiandae minus. Omnis recusandae ut non quam ut quod eius qui. Ipsum quia odit vero atque qui quibusdam amet. Occaecati sed est sint aut vitae molestiae voluptate vel