Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RPSC, also known as Rajasthan Public Service Commission, can be elaborated as a recruitment body that offers vacancies to find a career in Rajasthan State Services. To get recruited for the RPSC services, students must qualify for the RPSC examination, which is counted among the most prestigious examination held by the state commission.
Every RPSC releases notifications and welcomes applications to recruit them to different posts in ministries and departments under the Rajasthan government. Eligible candidates can apply for the RPSC exam online once the commission releases the notification. In this article, we present to readers detailed data about the examination and elaborating on how to qualify the preparation. Besides, you can prepare for the RPSC examination either online or through RPSC offline coaching.
RAS Pre-Cum Mains Foundation
ACSA's RAS Foundation program serves vital components of RPSC preparation covering all the subjects for General Studies for all the levels i.e. Prelims, Mains and Interview through a protracted and measured process. The course covers various aspects like basic concepts, their application in the examination, the ability to articulate through answer writing practice, regular updates and a dynamic approach with a focus on current affairs.
RAS Pre Batch
Qui laudantium consequatur laborum sit qui ad sapiente dila parde sonata raqer a videna mareta paulona marka
Prelims examination is the first step towards your journey for a prestigious career in Civil Services. ACSA leaves no stone unturned, this program aims to prepare students for RPSC-Pre 2023 based on foundation concepts and current affairs. The course is designed in such a way that confidence is developed in the aspirants to handle the needs and demands of the prelims examination with ease.
RAS Pre Test Series
The Preliminary Test is by far the most challenging stage of the Civil Services Examination with nearly 5 lakh candidates taking the test each year. After GS Paper 2 - CSAT was made qualifying in 2015, the GS Paper- 1 has assumed greater significance in deciding the success of a candidate in the Preliminary Test which seeks to eliminate non-serious candidates from entering the Main Examination. With mere 100 questions deciding your entry into the Main Examination, the room for error in this stage is miniscule. In addition to changes in the pattern of Preliminary Test, GS Paper 1 is subjected to frequent changes in terms of the nature of the questions that appear in it. While the GS 1 paper from 2010-2014 focused on the conceptual understanding in conventional areas, in 2015 and 2016 the emphasis was on factual current events. On the other hand, the 2017, 2018 and 2019 papers tested the creative intelligence and problem solving skills of the candidates. The GS Paper 1 from 2017-19 was an interesting mix of questions ranging from epistemological understanding of important political underpinnings like liberty, equality etc to most contemporary issues like Google tax, AI, Blockchain technology, UPI etc. Keeping in view the web of complexities the Exam can throw at you, we are striving to keep abreast with the dynamics of the Preliminary Test.
RAS Mains Test Series
Civil Services Exam demands the aspirant to have multidimensional knowledge. It’s often mistaken that the preparation for RPSC Prelims and mains should be done separately. When we go through the RPSC Syllabus we will find that there are various topics that are overlapping in nature. In order to have a smooth preparation journey one should prepare for Mains and Prelims simultaneously. ITS(Integrated Test Series) will help candidates to integrate their Civil Services Exam preparation from the very beginning with provision of assessment based learning module ensuring overall success in IAS Exam.
RAS Mains writing skills development programs
Dear Aspirants! Greetings from ACSA! The nature of the RPSC Mains Examination is Subjective and hence the role of Answer Writing is the most important. Answer Writing is a skill which can be developed over time but it is highly important that you understand the significance of Answer Writing. Hence, many potential candidates, inspite of clearing RPSC Prelims multiple times, cannot clear RPSC Mains Cut Off. ACSA is an institution who has had a History of Best guidance in most of the aspects of RPSC Preparation but our specialization lies in RPSC Mains Answer Writing and how to score 450+ in Mains and 140+ in Essay!!